Why is it important to drink water?

•          Your body is made up of approximately 75% water

•          The brain is made up of approximately 85% water

•          Your blood is made up of approximately 80% water

•          Your muscles are made up of approximately 70% water


When we look at these percentages, it’s quite incredible how vital water is for our body to function correctly.


What happens when we drink water?

•          As the water flows through your body, it delivers nutrients to the cells and carries away waste.

•          Water assists the kidneys in flushing the toxins out of the body. When the kidneys are working correctly, other organs like the liver are more in balance.

•          Water acts as a cooling system; it moves heat to the body’s surface, which is when you sweat.

•          Water lubricates your joints, which makes the muscles work more smoothly.



Due to your bingeing and purging, taking laxatives or diuretics, or over-exercising, your body is very dehydrated, which affects every organ of your body.

Research has revealed dehydration is the cause of stress, chronic pain, and many degenerative diseases. It also affects your electrolyte levels, which can cause many side effects. More information on electrolytes is presented later in this step.



Dr. F. Batmmanghelidj, yes, also known as Dr. Batman, the author of Your Body’s Many Cries for Water, spent most of his life studying the effects water has on the body.

Here are a few intriguing facts from Dr. Batman:

·       So many aches and pains that people have every day, including hunger, are actually caused by dehydration.

·       If you’re thirsty, you’re way past thirst, and your body is desperate for water.

·       It’s virtually impossible to tell the difference between “thirst signal” and authentic hunger.

·       If bulimics begin to rehydrate their bodies well and drink water before their food, this problem will disappear. It’s time to step up the amount you’re drinking! But do so gradually.


How much water should we be drinking per day?

This depends on the individual and their circumstances, including climate and how much they move their body.

The recommended daily intake is:

3.7 liters for men

2.7 liters for women


Signs you are dehydrated:

●         If your urine is darker in color, this may be an indication that your kidneys are working harder than they should

●         An itchy dry skin and mouth

●         Sunken eyes

●         Inability to produce tears

●         Dizziness

●         Weakness and fatigue


Maybe for many years, your body had been chronically dehydrated. This cannot be reversed in a couple of days by drinking a few glasses of water each day. Slowly increase your water intake, regularly drinking throughout the day, building gradually. 

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