Your recovery is all about you and you and you! You’re the number one priority in your life now. You deserve to recover. Bulimia can be extremely demanding, isolating, and manipulative, but you’re worth it wherever you are in your recovery.

In recovery, everyone is different, and the length of time it takes you to recover is perfect for you as long as you stay focused and achieve recovery. Think now about how taking these 10 steps will benefit not only you but also your family and friends. They’ll all benefit.

The incredible strength, bravery, and pure mental motivation to stay focused on your recovery path is an extraordinary power you have within you. With the right tools, techniques, help, and support, you can do this.

It will be the most rewarding, life-changing, and incredible journey you’ll ever go on.

You deserve freedom from bulimia

You deserve your recovery


You deserve to live.




Wahay, now you know how to reprogram your mind to continue to guide you forward through your recovery powerfully.


If you’ve only worked through the course once, now is your time to take yourself back to step 1 and begin to slowly learn how you’re going to completely turn your life around. Then work through all your negative behaviors, links, and habits.


If you’ve worked methodically through the course. Fantastic. Now, take yourself back through the course regularly to refresh your mind with the variety of techniques. To then run through them to further cement the foundations of your pathway to full recovery.


Throughout the course, you’ve been shown incredible tools and techniques to help guide you through your recovery.


So, let’s recap on what you’ve learned in each step…


Step 1. Here, you read about the differences between bulimia and anorexia and the possible causes of your bulimia. You also learned about NLP and submodalities then used them in the "New You” technique. So, keep stepping into that new you and absorb all the powerful thoughts and feelings regularly.


Step 2. You learned all about your bulimic cycle and how your triggers cause your urges. Then the "Instant Trigger Change” technique to powerfully change how you react to your triggers. Then your first motivational booster with the powerful "Electrify Your Motivation" technique.


Step 3. You broke down the big picture of your bulimic cycle to understand how your behaviors are linked to your urges. Then you worked with the space between your urges and binges, sitting in that space. Then working with urge surfing, riding with the urge to loosen its grip and begin to see and feel it dissolve.


Step 4. In this step, you were introduced to your structured eating program. To begin to re-balance your body and reverse the effects of malnutrition and created your structured eating program.


You also learned about intuitive eating and how to:

·        Only eat when you’re hungry

·        Reap the benefits of eating slowly and consciously

·        Tune into your feelings of satisfaction or “knowing” that you’ve had enough and stop eating


Step 5. Here you learned how powerful your imagination is and the huge benefits of using it positively. We looked at what causes you to be stressed and then moved onto your limiting beliefs. Then you learned the excellent tool of the "Thought-Stopping” technique. To free your mind of this never-ending droning leprechaun!


Step 6. In this step, you found answers to the multitude of feelings connected to being scared of all the changes you’re making. The more information you learn about it, the easier it is to move forward.

By reading about your scared feelings, you learned the incredible "Spin and Win" technique. To address any feelings of being scared, panicky, worthless, hopeless, and all the other beastly feelings you may be having. Keep going; it works. In fact, they all work!


Step 7. As you become more aware of your habit cycle, it will be easier to address the old habits and create new empowering habits that work for you. Especially with the "Shatter That Habit” technique.


Step 8. In this step, you learned the unique, effective tapping technique, so wherever you are in life, you have the immediate tool to reduce any tricky thoughts or feelings you may have. Excellent.


Step 9. In this step, you learned about the different therapies that you can research to find the right one for you. Plus the benefits of supplements.


Step 10. In this step, you learned the importance of visualization and goal setting. Also, what will happen throughout your recovery timeline. Plus, another powerful motivational booster to empower you to keep you on track to your full permanent recovery. 

So stay focused and take care of you, because you can break your chains of bulimia and free yourself of all the horrific behaviors.




For more information and to find the link for each book visit:


Bulimia Sucks! 10 Steps to Break Bingeing & Purging Patterns


Bulimia Sucks! 10 Steps to Break Bingeing & Purging Patterns (The audiobook)


Bulimia Sucks! Personal Workbook

Bulimia Sucks! Personal Food Journal

Coloring Book Series:

Anxiety Relief

Anorexia Sucks!

Bulimia Sucks!

Binge Eating Sucks!

Kate's new award-winning, best-selling book released in 2023:

Anxiety Hacks Proven Techniques, Tools and Tips To Calmness

Anxiety Hacks Proven Techniques, Tools and Tips To Calmness (The audiobook)

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