Take your old habits you have identified and list them in the table below and then think about what new habit you could create to replace the old habit.




This is a technique to help you to stay motivated and change your habit permanently.


You’ll be stepping out of the old you and then seeing yourself how you would like to be in the future, making that image so powerful that it attracts you to become drawn into the kind of person who is free from that old harmful habit.


Here we go with the powerful habit changer:


1.   Now that you’ve identified your habit, I want you to visualize yourself doing that habit, including what happens just before this habit begins. Step into this image, looking through your own eyes. Set that picture aside. This is your trigger picture.


2.   Now create your new positive habit. Make an image of this. Make it large, bright, and colorful of yourself already having this new habit. In this image, you can really see you sparkle. Your posture has changed, and you look happy and relaxed. What would you be saying to yourself? How would you look? Feel? Now, reduce that image, shrinking it to a small dot.


3.   Now bring forward the old and the new habit. Then when you’re ready, imagine yourself participating in the old habit.


4.   Now, have the new habit picture rapidly explode and fly into the image of you doing the harmful habit. See that old habit smash into minuscule pieces as you say the word “swishhhhh” with the new positive habit image replacing the old habit image.


5.   Now blank the screen as if the TV has lost its connection.


6.   Repeat the process faster this time. As you do this, the new positive habit image comes alive with you happy, positively practicing your new habit as the negative image loses color and fades away into the far distance.


7.   Swish Swish Swish. Keep repeating the whole process at least five more times, getting faster each time.


Then repeat the whole process twice a day, morning and night, until the good habit becomes embedded and you’re no longer unconsciously doing the bad habit.


Fantastic, stay focused, and enjoy the challenge of changing your habits. 

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