I’m scared to live without bulimia
For you, bulimia may have become your identity. It’s part of your life. It drives your actions and behaviors, influencing all your thoughts.
Or it might be as a safety blanket. It's the shield you use to protect yourself. Does it affect how you see yourself and the world around you?
Therefore, the thought of living without it may terrify you. Even though part of you wants to be free from bulimia, another part is scared to live without it. You may have tried in the past with thoughts of stopping, but the fear and panic come rushing back.
I want you to know you aren’t alone. This is a familiar feeling of my clients with bulimia.
It may feel overwhelming to discover who you are. But as you become curious, questioning why you do what you do, you can start to break free from your old destructive thinking. Begin now to tune into what you’re telling yourself because most of it isn’t true.
It’s your choice if you listen to your leprechaun's cynical rantings or focus on that new positive you. You get to decide who you are, not your bulimia.
Grab your notebook and ask yourself:
What precisely are you scared of living without, yes, your behavior, but what specifically?
Keep going until you have a list of the many reasons you’re scared. Then I want you to begin with your new tapping skill. Start with your scale first and continue rounds of tapping until you’re down to a 0.
For example:
“Even though I am scared of all my feelings, I deeply accept myself.”
“Even though bingeing and purging are my only way to cope with life, I deeply accept myself.”
If you aren’t sure what you’re scared of living without, that’s okay. Tap on:
“Even though I don’t know why I’m scared of living without bulimia, I deeply accept myself.”
Then ask yourself again the original question, and this time it will be clearer to see what you’re scared of, living without bulimia.