Now you have an idea of all the exciting healthy nutrients to include in your structured eating program. Let’s move on to a structured eating program example.
But firstly keep reminding yourself, “Any weight you may or may not gain will fall off naturally as your body balances out and your powerful metabolism speeds up.”
Bulimia Recovery Structured Meal Program Example
Here’s an example of a simple food plan, including the times to eat. It’s a rough guide, so feel free to change the times and substitute the foods to your likings.
Eat at the same time each day, every two and a half to three hours, and stick to a strict schedule.
7:30 am
Lemon water
8:00 am (Breakfast)
½ cup or one serving cereal
1 cup milk (dairy, soy, almond, etc.)
10:30 am (Snack)
Biscuit - a hobnob is always a good choice
Granola Bar
A handful of nuts/seed/dried fruit
Water or another drink with vitamins/ nutrients/ potassium
1:00pm (Lunch)
Turkey/chicken/egg salad/tuna sandwich on 2 slices whole wheat bread
Vegetables (Carrots, celery/tomatoes/lettuce)
Sauce (Butter/mayonnaise/ketchup/mustard)
Salad (Bean/Potato/Quinoa etc)
Dried fruits or nuts/seeds. Handful
3:00pm (Snack)
1/2 Biscuits
1 serving crackers, pretzels or popcorn
Granola bar/ handful of dried fruits
Water or another drink with vitamins/ nutrients/ potassium
6:00pm (Dinner)
Cooked protein (Grilled chicken breast/fish/other meat) (2/3 cups)
Cooked vegetables (broccoli/spinach/peas) (1/4 plate)
Cooked Starch (1 cup noodles/sweet potato/rice/bread)
Dessert: Fruit/handful of nuts/seeds
8:30 pm
1 cup yogurt w/1 medium apple
Water or another drink with vitamins/ nutrients/ potassium
Let’s talk about portion sizes for your eating plan.
At the beginning of your recovery, it’s a good idea to measure or weigh out the foods so you can correctly learn what a portion size is. To keep measuring and weighing food can be a pain in the ass. So, an offhand rule of thumb to gauge the sizes is:
Using your hand, make a fist = 1 cup or 8 oz. An example would be one cup of cereal, vegetables, fruit, rice, or pasta. (This would also equate to the size of a baseball or tennis ball).
The palm of your hand – 3 oz serving of red meat, fish, or poultry.
Thumb tip = 1 teaspoon
3 x thumb tips = 1 tablespoon
1 handful of small foods like nuts = 1 oz
2 handfuls of crisps = 1 oz
Having read how to create your structured eating program, now is the time to create your own.
Complete the STRUCTURED EATING PROGRAM table in Step 4, in your workbook. Otherwise, grab your notebook and start to list what foods you’re going to include in your program and follow the bulimia recovery meal example. Then make up your own recovery meal plan.
If your food program doesn’t look perfect, who cares; it’s you taking control and beginning with your first small nibble of breaking free from bulimia.
It’s essential in the beginning to take it easy. Don’t eat foods that you know are going to cause you to fall back into that old pattern. In time, you can build up to those foods. But remember, we are focused on a healthy eating program, and junk foods don’t need to be included in any healthy food program!
Keep reminding yourself:
- While you’re eating regular meals and snacks, think of all the powerful positive changes your body will be making to break free from your triggers and urges to binge.
- Any weight you may gain will fall off naturally as your body balances out and your powerful metabolism speeds up.
- Your structured eating program is only temporary to get you back on track.
Below are your:
Downloadable Structured Eating Program Plan PDF
For you to plan out what meals each day you will be eating.
Downloadable Structured Eating Program Weekly Diary PDF
For you to plan out what meals each week you will be eating.