Here we go, the steps to create your new empowering belief.

Part One

  • Think of the negative belief that’s standing in your way of breaking the cycle of bingeing and purging. For example: “I can't stop bingeing and purging; I am a failure.” See, hear, and feel yourself doing this behavior and look at all the qualities of the pictures you make. Go through your list of submodalities from Step 1 and write down all the answers. For example: is it in color or black and white, moving or still, how big is the picture, is it close up or far away, clear or blurry? Work your way through the list.
  • Next, find a strong belief that you know is true, that you’re sure about. For example: “The sun is going to rise tomorrow” or if you live in England… “It will rain sometime soon!” Again, using the submodalities from the list, note the submodalities of this belief. For example: “I can learn some techniques to help me control my eating.”
  • Compare the two, making a note of what the differences are (e.g., size of the pictures, color or black and white, moving or still, and so on).


Part Two

  • Now onto the exciting part, with your two lists, you’re going to create your new empowering belief.
  • Think of your new empowering belief (chose from the previous list or create your own), something similar to “I am taking positive steps toward learning how to eat healthily.” Now change everything about this new belief; all the submodalities from the list from your firm belief that you know are true. Move the picture to the same position, same size, distance, colors, brightness, etc., producing the same fabulous feelings you had.
  • Now step into that new belief, looking through your own eyes and absorb all the powerful feelings of believing you can break free and live your life happy, healthy, and free from bulimia. Absorb this incredible feeling and when it begins to subside, step out of the experience.


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Description automatically generatedFantastic! Now you can hop into your new empowering belief whenever you aren’t feeling too good about yourself, do this at least five times per day, if you will, please.

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