I know, for many, the idea of starting to eat and keep food in your stomach can bring up many distressing thoughts. One fantastic technique to reduce your negative thoughts about starting to introduce healthy eating is with the “Shrink and Blink Technique.”
When you’re aware of a painful thought and image, this is a simple yet super powerful way to work with your imagination and thoughts, to free you from them.
Are you ready? Listen up…
- Think about a negative thought and the image that’s connected to this thought.
- Now put a frame around it and send it off into the distance. Notice it shrinking down into a small picture, like a postage stamp, or a single dot.
Blink it on and off black and white super-fast like a strobe light.
- Do it again. Then keep doing it whenever difficult thoughts pop into your mind.
Excellent! so keep blink, blink, blinking.