I’m scared of living with bulimia

Yes, you absolutely may be scared of continuing to live with all these negative habits, patterns of bingeing and purging, and wishing you were someone else, knowing how it’s damaging your body and your whole life.

But this doesn’t mean you have to continue this way. It’s your choice if you carry on thinking and behaving this way or start to change small patterns of thinking. And if you did, what would you change first?

So, now is the time to begin to believe you’re worth fighting for. You deserve a happy life. The journey you’ll take to get to that happiness may be easier than you think. Trust that your freedom may be scary because it’s new, not because it’s bad.

It could be exciting knowing that, by taking that first step, you’ve moved forward toward your ultimate goal of freedom from bulimia.

Grab your notebook and ask yourself this question:

What specifically are you scared of living with bulimia?

Once again, you have your list; now start tapping, working through your list and reducing what thoughts and feelings come up until you have each one down to a 0.

For example:

“Even though I’m scared of living with bulimia, I deeply accept myself.”

“Even though I know I’m damaging my body but can't stop, I deeply accept myself.”

Again, if you aren’t sure why you’re scared of living with bulimia, tap on this.

“Even though I don’t know why I’m scared of living with bulimia, I deeply accept myself.”

Then ask yourself the original question and tap on what comes up. 

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