Now you’ve identified more of a pattern of what happens that creates the urges from Step 3 and also when you get stressed. Now you’re going to learn how to stop these horrific thoughts connected with your negative patterns.

 Here are the steps:

Step 1. Notice the thought

Close your eyes and imagine a situation in which a stressful thought/ feeling may occur.

Step 2. Thought Interruption

Set a timer for two minutes. Close your eyes and ponder on your stressful thought. When you hear the ring, shout, "Stop!" then “Get lost” in whatever terminology you wish! 

If you’re the visual type, also imagine a giant stop sign in your head.

You could also have a loose rubber band on your wrist to snap at this point. If you don't have one available, you could snap your fingers or even pinch yourself.

If you do have an evil leprechaun gripping tightly onto your shoulder, shouting his anxiety-provoking nonsense, then as you shout, “Stop,” physically swipe him from your shoulder at the same time.

Now, let your mind empty of all but the calm and non-anxious thoughts and reroute your mind to an inspiring or distracting thought instead. So, rather than your obsessive thought, make up some positive statements and images that are appropriate in the target situation.

A rerouting thought might be a saying that encourages you or a memory that’s empowering or relaxing.

Set a goal of about thirty seconds after the stop.

If the distressing thought returns during that time, shout, "Stop!" swiping away the evil leprechaun from your shoulder and “Get lost,” snapping your rubber band or snap your fingers.

Step 3. Now do this without the timer

Now take control of the evil leprechaun's whispering without the timer. While pondering on the unwanted thought, shout, "Stop!" and “Get lost,” and then bring up the giant stop sign and snap your rubber band or pinch yourself.

·       When you succeed in stopping the thought on several occasions with the shouted command, begin interrupting the thought with a "Stop!" and “Get lost” in a usual voice.

·       After succeeding in stopping the thought by using your normal speaking voice, start interrupting the thought with "Stop!" and “Get lost” in a whisper.

·       When the whisper completely interrupts your stressful thoughts, imagine hearing "Stop!" and “Get lost” shouted inside your mind.

When you can achieve this successfully, that means that you can stop thoughts alone or in public without anyone knowing what you’re doing.

You might want to write down the thoughts to help you clarify it, to challenge it, and then shred or burn it.

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Excellent! Changing your thoughts will take time, so I want you to practice thought-stopping every day as many times as possible, in fact, all day. Over time, you’ll be able to stop unwanted thoughts immediately.


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